I believe that deliverance and inner healing must be a part of biblical discipleship in the local church. There is a huge need for this vital ministry. Churches are filled with hurting and demonized people that can’t seem to overcome the addictions, trauma, and pain in their lives. What’s even a greater cause for concern, many have given up hope.
I thank God for the balanced teaching that the church has received in recent decades on victory, blessings, and prosperity as part of the dynamics of the New Covenant. However, there is a real connection between a believer’s personal lack of victory and blessing and the need for deliverance. The clash of the kingdoms takes place in the heart of man where our common enemy desires to keep us from experiencing the abundant life Jesus promised.
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and
to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that
they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10
The deliverance ministry unlocks the potential of God’s blessing and purpose. I want you to know that the fullness of God’s blessing requires more than a “positive confession” to get
out from under generational curses and demonic infestation. When these issues are effectively dealt with, the door for much collateral blessing is opened. This type of blessing goes beyond a pay raise or a vacation. It translates into generational blessings – our children will be raised in the fear of the Lord, they will be blessed, they will walk in their eternal purpose and create an even greater sphere of influence for the Kingdom of God.
Deliverance and inner healing can happen instantly, or it can be an ongoing process. Learning how to be free is a major component of the Christian life. The deliverance and inner healing process always requires personal participation to embrace and apply the power of the Cross. Once embraced, it has the potential to radically transform your relationships and give you a completely new vision for the future. I invite you to prayerfully walk with the Lord, asking the Holy Spirit for understanding and the grace to apply the Word to your life. My prayer for you is that your freedom in Christ will lead you into wonderfully surprising outcomes and give you abundant hope for a better future!
For an in-depth study from a biblical perspective, read Deliverance on Purpose – Power Principles that Unlock your Destiny. Available on Amazon!
How DayStream helps you walk in Freedom
Fast Lane to Freedom Online Course
A 7-session online course where you will receive understanding to obtain the keys for deliverance and experience the power of the Holy Spirit to be free.
Counseling Session
All guidance, counsel, and advice given is based on Scriptural principles and Christian biblical standards contained in the Holy Bible, the written Word of God. All of our meetings are under the direction and control of the Holy Spirit of God.
The Freedom Seminar
An in person gathering to train and equip you in deliverance. This seminar is taught over the weekend and takes us into a deep journey for freedom in Christ. The seminar includes times of personal ministry and deliverance prayer.